Rugby League Project

School Sports Partnership

The Next Generation

Our School Sports Partnership is a collaborative initiative aimed at promoting physical activity and rugby within local schools. Through tailored coaching sessions, skill development programs, and fun, inclusive activities, we work with schools to inspire young students to lead active, healthy lifestyles. The partnership not only helps introduce rugby league to a new generation but also fosters teamwork, confidence, and personal development in pupils of all abilities. By connecting schools with Warrington Wolves, we’re building stronger ties within the community and nurturing future talent in a supportive environment.

Interested in signing up or want to know more?

Session Details

Primary School rugby league, delivered in all Schools in Warrington over a 6 week period ending in a Festival at a Community Rugby League Club.

Often the first introduction to Rugby League, this project allows children the opportunity to develop their rugby league skills and acts as a pathway to our community rugby league clubs. 

BS-6618 (1)

Session Location

We're proud to say that we are coaching in every school in Warrington, reaching thousands of kids every year.




Sam York

Community Rugby League Coach 

"Our School Sports Partnership is about more than just teaching rugby – it's about inspiring young people to stay active, build confidence, and develop essential life skills. By working closely with schools, we're helping to create a positive sporting culture that benefits students both on and off the field."