Health & Wellbeing Project


You're Not Alone

Offload is a men’s mental fitness and wellbeing project run by Rugby League Cares, helping challenge how the sporting world tackles issues such as depression and anxiety and has already received widespread acclaim for its work with thousands of men.

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Interested in signing up or want to know more?

Session Details

Sessions run every Tuesday, 18:30 at The Halliwell Jones Stadium.
There’s no need to sign up in advance, just show up.
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"Offload and Extra Time saved my life and if you find the courage to take the first step through the door on your journey, they might just also save yours."


Offloader and Extra-Time Volunteer

Session Location

Warrington Conference Centre, Mike Gregory Way, Warrington WA2 7NE, United Kingdom



Tuesday Evenings

Session starts at 18:30



James Howes

Health & Wellbeing Manager

"The hardest thing is taking those first few steps through the door but once you’re in, you’re greeted by a fantastic volunteer team made up of former ‘Offloaders’.

Don’t let the stigma around talking about your mental health hold you back."