EBC has brought us closer together as a family, helping us stay active, and proving we're just as competitive outside of the board games!
What is Every Body Counts?
Every Body Counts is a 12 week programme that has Physical activity, Mental wellbeing and Nutrition interwoven in its DNA to provide a bespoke programme for the young people and families of Warrington.
We wish to understand and work through the issues which are prevalent in Warrington today- including access to good quality food, Meal time experiences, Stigmas regarding physical and mental wellbeing, Access and awareness of quality support programmes, Inactivity, social isolation, lack of disposable income and debt.
Using the power of our wider community and with assistance from new and existing partners we aim to positively affect the lives of the families in Warrington. Through our programme we will actively support families who are ready to make positive changes to all aspects of their health and well-being; including physical activity, emotional wellbeing and nutrition.
Experienced lifestyle coaches with lived experiences in all 3 areas will co-deliver a 12 week programme to young people and their families.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens after you sign up?
You will be contacted by one of our lifestyle coaches to discuss where you are currently on your health gains journey- we will then allocate you a place on one of our programmes and/or direct you to some of our hosted content on the website before your Every Body Counts programme begins.
How can I join?
Simply click the button at the top of the page to be redirected to our Upshot forms, the platform we use to manage registration of our families.
Will I be weighed and measured?
No, we are leaving weighing and measuring to our clinical colleagues although we encourage families whom this may motivate to track their own progress in their EBC journals.
Stay Up To Date
Week 2: Managing Stress
A quick round up of this week's work on portion sizes and also managing stress.
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